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    September 2009
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Team Freaks

team freaks

team freaks

How we became team freaks see it all happen with the home girl Lashes she was being funny and said we should become team lashes we all liked it, it was a friend thing I really loved the first name but Lashes got Bord of it and changed it to team freaks I like it but team team Lashes was better I hope she don’t change this name cause I like it now I also like every one from team freaks well that’s how team freaks happened.  TEAM WHAT “TEAM FREAKS!!!”

team freaks is the best part of me

team freaks is the best part of me



we look good (V.I.P)

we look good (V.I.P)

Are first concert  was so awesome we got to meet famous people singers that we thought we would never meet. If it was not for some reporter we would have never met the singers  they felt so bad for us and they gave us there v.i.p bracelet and we got in it was so cool i felt important i got to talk to Sacra, Roberto  Tapia   and other famous singers i will never forget the time when they asked me to go on stage and dance i felt so awesome i will never forget that day when i was V.I.P for a day until i got caught and got kicked out.

The end

V.I.P all the Way

V.I.P all the Way

About my Best Friends

My besties and me

My besties and me

What i fell about Thalia and Kathy is not hard to explain there so wonderful it’s like i won the lottery but better. Thalia is so funny and brave when ever you need advice don’t ask Thalia cause you might get in lots of trouble or you might end up in the hospital but she tries to help and that’s what matters everyone calls her tipsy and who ever knows her could tell you that she is awesome and she is always  the first one on the dance floor at any party. Kathy she is so different she is  punk but out going  she does not care what people say about her and she is the right person to ask for advice she will tell you every thing straight out even though you don’t wanna here it she is also into peace and people love being with her because they just love her. Thalia and Kathy will always be my best friends and no one well ever take them away from me because they are the perfect best friends people have to try really hard not to fall in love them and there personalty they will always be my friends for ever until the day we die.

When my brother was born

baby boy

baby boy

When my brother was born I was in 6 grad, I remember like if it was yesterday. It was normal day me and my brother got ready for school when my mom told us I think its time my cousin Brenda took us to school and my moms boyfriend took my mom to the hospital. When I and my brother got out of school my mom boyfriend picked us up and took us to the hospital and told us that the baby was a boy. When we got to the hospital the baby was with my mom my mom he was so cute he had dark black hair and really chubby his name is Danny and he is the best baby brother ever.



My First Scar



I got my first scar when I was ten years old. Me my brother and his friends were playing superman and wonder women and my brother and his friends were throwing rocks at me because I was the good women then a rock hit my face and I started bleeding a lot so my mom took me to the hospital and I got stitches.



The End

My First B.F.F Fight



My first fight with my best friend sucked we got mad for a dumb reason she owed me a dollar and I wanted to buy some Takis. Well me and Thalia went to the ice cream man and I asked here for my dollar and she said she can’t give me my dollar cause it’s her dad’s money I bagged her to give me my money but she screamed at me and said no so I got mad at her for screaming at me and I didn’t want to talk to her so I left home and we did not talk for a long time lintel the last day of school we talked and we became best friends again.


Chubs & Tipsy

Chubs & Tipsy

Never ditch

lil miss curious, Chubs & Tipsy

lil miss curious, Chubs & Tipsy

It was a regular Friday morning we were at Thalia’s house getting ready for school we were taking are time like always forgetting what time we had to be at school when Thalia’s mom told us it was late and we had to go to school we all looked at the time and she was right we were super late when we were walking to school Thalia told me and Kathy “hey I can’t be late no more lets just ditch” we were filling like thugs so we decided to ditch it was going all good I was kind of scared but that’s the thug life well we went to the mall a friend of us gave us a ride we were having so much fun we were trying on dresses I looked good it all went wrong when some guys started fallowing us cause we looked good we were all scared we went to hide in the restroom and called some friend to pick me up cause school was over and my mom was going to pick me up are friend took so long I was starting to get nerves cause I thought I was not going to get to school on time and that those guys following us were going to do some thing to us then we had a idea to take the bus we called it the destiny bus we didn’t know were it was going to take us but it was better then getting in trouble after a wile I saw a Wight car and it was are ride I barely mad it right when the bell rand my mom was waiting for me in the corner were she always picks me up after all that hard work to try to get to school on time I got caught the school called my mom and told her I didn’t go to school I got in trouble my mom even slapped me I should have token the destiny bus….

The end