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    September 2009
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About my Best Friends

My besties and me

My besties and me

What i fell about Thalia and Kathy is not hard to explain there so wonderful it’s like i won the lottery but better. Thalia is so funny and brave when ever you need advice don’t ask Thalia cause you might get in lots of trouble or you might end up in the hospital but she tries to help and that’s what matters everyone calls her tipsy and who ever knows her could tell you that she is awesome and she is always  the first one on the dance floor at any party. Kathy she is so different she is  punk but out going  she does not care what people say about her and she is the right person to ask for advice she will tell you every thing straight out even though you don’t wanna here it she is also into peace and people love being with her because they just love her. Thalia and Kathy will always be my best friends and no one well ever take them away from me because they are the perfect best friends people have to try really hard not to fall in love them and there personalty they will always be my friends for ever until the day we die.

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