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Never ditch

lil miss curious, Chubs & Tipsy

lil miss curious, Chubs & Tipsy

It was a regular Friday morning we were at Thalia’s house getting ready for school we were taking are time like always forgetting what time we had to be at school when Thalia’s mom told us it was late and we had to go to school we all looked at the time and she was right we were super late when we were walking to school Thalia told me and Kathy “hey I can’t be late no more lets just ditch” we were filling like thugs so we decided to ditch it was going all good I was kind of scared but that’s the thug life well we went to the mall a friend of us gave us a ride we were having so much fun we were trying on dresses I looked good it all went wrong when some guys started fallowing us cause we looked good we were all scared we went to hide in the restroom and called some friend to pick me up cause school was over and my mom was going to pick me up are friend took so long I was starting to get nerves cause I thought I was not going to get to school on time and that those guys following us were going to do some thing to us then we had a idea to take the bus we called it the destiny bus we didn’t know were it was going to take us but it was better then getting in trouble after a wile I saw a Wight car and it was are ride I barely mad it right when the bell rand my mom was waiting for me in the corner were she always picks me up after all that hard work to try to get to school on time I got caught the school called my mom and told her I didn’t go to school I got in trouble my mom even slapped me I should have token the destiny bus….

The end